Steve Metcalfe- consultant

Steve Metcalfe- consultant

UK PB Mirror - 50lbs 4oz 
UK PB Common  - 48lbs 10oz 
Favourite lead:  where possible 5oz inline flat pear in a matte finish. 

Like many of us afflicted with an addition to angling, Steve forged his passion at a young age fishing for anything that swam with his grandad. As is often the case, time marched on and the path towards carp fishing was soon well trodden. Being a Yorkshire lad, big carp were very thin on the ground during his early years, but he always had and still does, have a knack for cherry picking some truly special carp to add to his album each year.

Having worked in the angling industry for much of his adult life, carp angling has immersed Steve and thankfully, it’s still a driving force for him to this day. With a young family, a full-time job with Sticky Baits and a keen love for photography to balance away from the bank, nowadays, every fish he catches is incredibly hard earned having been caught on very limited time. Being geographically challenged has never stopped him from finding new targets year on year, with northern carp the likes of which most could only dream of capturing to his name.
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