Tom Lorraine - Consultant
UK PB Common 52lb 2oz
UK PB Mirror 51lb 9oz
Favourite Lead- 4oz zip distance
Tom Lorraine isn't only known for being an all round nice guy, he's also quite rightly known for his abilities to outwit and bank individual big carp, that he sets his sights on from around our nation's waters. Having previously targeted venues such as Croxley, North Met and Frogmore, to mention a few of his Favourite waters, Tom has repeatedly found himself looking down at his intended quarry which in turn has resulted in him being recognised as a one of the finest hunters of Specimen carp in recent years.
Again due to being a self employed family man who's time is greatly limited, Tom must make the most of each precious hour on the bank, generally sticking close his angling usually falls withing the confines of the Colne and Lea Valleys
Most recently Tom has been noted for the capture of the incredible 'Apples' from the Blue Lagoon and the mighty 'Tango' from Carthegena, the harder the challenge and more credible